The materialism. The glory of it. There is one thing I will never understand: many of the people are placing posts of "how much someone loves them and comparing with the flowers and gifts like with dicks - who's got a bigger one". And this is dedicated to them.
Sorry not sorry. Materialism over 9000 on this and some other days is disgusting and some people thrive in it like in a big ol' mess of dirt.
It doesn't matter, if someone gives something so great in material. Everything that matters is what soul the gift and what motivation it has. It can be a pleated textile bracelet and I would be fucking happy about it. Because it says "I care", "I tried to make this for you".
It is so important about the details. Flowers from the shop? Expensive gifts with no soul and not much thought to it? No... that's not love.
The meaning. The symbolism. The motivation - why.
One will be happy for a flower from a yard with actual warmth and meaning, from someone meaningful to them.
The other one won't be happy enough about 100 roses from the most expensive shop.
And it despises me. That aspect of such materiality.
As if some might think that I am just hurt - yes, I am, even more - I am actually disgusted about materialism without the soulful aspect, I see it almost everyday.
Which one - the money or the person?
Some people are fucking for money without love.
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