Every day I prayed to God for a rewind,
In between mistakes, those caused by me,
In time that I could never find.
Each miracle, each anger score,
The patience all wasted,
Like if things were always done before,
I could have realized I am so sore.
Time was ticking, just like us,
We know we can be late for bus,
But do we realize that life's the same,
The guilty, trippy fatal game.
When we are making just in time,
Our names and hopes become a rhyme.
On graveyard stone we're all the same,
But what's the point, why that's so lame?
And further, more, I went to see,
A movie, blank, no ticket fee,
Just watch the screen and you'll be great.
There's no rewind to your mistakes.
All this life... But did you realize -
That you're the one to change your fate?
After all your screams and prayers tall,
There was a wide and heavy wall,
God stood there and - here's your rewind,
But in addition, I am no God,
Here is the death
And you are blind.
So think, before you fuck with time.