piektdiena, 2021. gada 22. janvāris

What is freedom?

Walking at the beach, we see the seagulls flying and we think - freedom. With the fresh, slightly salted sea air, we capture that sound as something freeing. Why is that it associates with freedom? Maybe it is about the flapping wings in the air and how they circle in movements that looks so free to us, because it's the plasticity of movements in the air and going to the right side and to the left side in the wind. And then you think - I'd like to be that seagull. But if you were a seagull, you would just rely on your instincts. You'd catch the fish, try not to get killed by other birds, people or humans and basically just rely on your survival instincts. Because you wouldn't be capable to see these things as a seagull that you see while you are human, your brain wouldn't be capable to see the aesthetic aspect of it - the complex beauty and give it that sensational association. For a seagull it's simple.

We, as humans, also can walk in circles on the Earth and go back and forth. So why is it the air that is "freeing"? We also have to survive, but our brains are more complex than that of seagulls, we can get killed, injured any day. There are constant power dynamics. So how is that a freedom?

Even pets - we own them on a leash. They get fed, walked, pet, basically taken care of basic needs, while they are not free - it is like a good cell. With food and care. That is not freedom.

So what is freedom that you mention, when we all rely on basic life mechanisms that affect our bodies which is time and force. Is it just a beautiful sentiment? Because nobody is free. The world is a power structure nobody alive can escape. It is biological, intellectual and spiritual.

And so we watch these birds fly again, flapping their wings, breathing in the fresh, salty air into our lungs, breathing in that sensation of association of a beautiful, fake sentiment - freedom.

We as humans, create these beautiful sentiments that give us a feeling, a fresh breath of life to illustrate, to give it a meaning, even if it is, in reality, non-existant.

sestdiena, 2021. gada 16. janvāris

You fucking whore.

In this little world of yours,

Mind being fucked, you beg outdoors,

The clear wide space and sweet impression

Of latent whores. Repression.

As you flutter like a butterfly,

Somewhere low, somewhere high -

Throw the bullets in the sky, bitch,

Kiss me hard. I'll bite.

Your words make mind to cum,

Soul wants to fucking die.